Thursday, August 04, 2005

Snuppy, First Cloned Dog

Aug. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Dolly, the late cloned sheep, has a new sidekick inthe annals of genetics: Snuppy, the first dog clone, scientists said today inthe journal Nature.

Snuppy is genetically identical to the Afghan hound fromwhich an adult body-cell nucleus was taken, according to research led by WooSuk Hwang, the South Korean biotechnologist who last year announced the firstsuccessful cloning of a human embryonic stem-cell line. (Source: APTN)

I do not think genes can be cloned in one way or another, otherwise the uniqueness of spieces (whether humans or animals) will be voided. No matter how beautifully the scientists may claim the marvel of cloness or see it as an important milestone for scienticfic achievment as to the goods of human beings. It is nothing more than agianst the very nature for creation of species- its uniquenss and dignity. ~Sophie~

1 comment:

Sophie said...

taboo, ys i agree that as i starting pt. cloning is for the benefit of medical advance... but it seems that the ultimate aim is to prolong unusally the life of huamn being or cloned humans ... which are agianst the nature..