Friday, August 21, 2009

The Rules of Work

A) Walk your talk
> Get your work Noticed
> Never stand still
> underpromise and overdeliver
> know something others dont
> be 100% committed
> enjoy what u r doing
> develop the right attitude
> never let anyone how hard you work

B) Know that You're Being judged by all times
> Dress Well
> Cultivate Smile
> Exude Confidence and Energy
> Be attractive
> Speak and write well

C) Have a Plan
> know what you want long term and short term : set objectives
> konw your role
> know yourself - strengths and weaknesses
> anticipate threats
> look for opportunities

D)If you can't say anything Nice - shut up
> don't gossip
> compliment people sincerly
> be cheerful and positive
> ask questions
> only speak sense

E) Look after yourself
> know the ethics of your industry
> set personal standards
> never lie
> cultivate your support/contacts/friends

F) Blend in
> know the corporate culture: speak the language
> be adaptive in your dealings with different people
> understand the social protocols

G) Act One Step Ahead
> Dress, Talk, Act and Think One Step Ahead
> Spend more time with Senior Staff
> Prepare for the step after next

H) Cultivate Diplomacy
> Ask Questions in times of conflicit
> Know when to keep your opinions to Yourself
> Never lose your temper
> Never Get personal
> know how to handle other people's Anger
> put things in perspective

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