Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 5 (14 th Sep) 星期一

Hunter Valley Garden

We picked up by the KAA tour at 7:30am, we shortly head off for our journery!

We firstly went to the Reptiles park, where we could touch the hair of Koala bears and fed the kangaroos. We then went to try the Pork Gin at a wine tasting shop. We actually tired another wine shop...but of course our target is Hunter Valley Gardens

Hunter Valley Gardens has 12 themed gardens spinning over 25 hectares. We enjoyed a delightful 2-course lunch here (with ice cream ^.^).
We actually just went to the Rose Garden, Border Garden, Storybook Garden and Italian Grotto here. I guess these are some of the best themed gardens here.

We finished the trip with the chocolate factory.

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