Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

年初一 Lunar new year Feb'10



tat boo mei 的新年老虎look

Friday, February 12, 2010

Home Sweet Home

在新居住了有三個星期 大部份的東西已收拾好
由於呀輝真的很整齊和清潔 我們的家尚算有條理啊

Mike & Benoit 的 b'day party - Stars of February 

We coordinatley held a birthday party for Mike and Benoit at Bonheur
at Bonham Strand. Bonheur is a little nice french restuarant that serves very delicious french food. On that night, the dinner was full of laughters and joy. We enjoyed so much.

lobster soup

home-made bread - very nice

Pan seared foie gras 很有質感的鵝肝

Sirloin Steak

Mango Mille-feuille 芒果拿破倫

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My First Birthday with hus @Frangrant Kitchen

我們到了奧運站附近的Fragrant Kitchen 吃半自助餐呢.

公司的同事們也買了我最愛的agnès b.蛋糕來慶祝一下呢.

渡蜜月之旅-北海道 HoneyMoon at Hokkaido

我很期待的蜜月旅行-北海道,在婚禮一天後就出發.18/1 to 22/1
第一次看到下雪的日本. 雖然很冷, 但風境很美, 我們也覺得是很值得的
我當然很開心能在日本滑雪了一個上午, 上一次已經是五年前的漢成(首爾).

Sunday, February 07, 2010

農曆新年弄糕點編 lunar new year cake class

二月三日 成為黃太第二個星期 跟好友Celina,琪琪,Flor 和 Suz 去學新年甜品 很有趣呀.

Cakes: 蘿蔔糕 + 笑口棗 + 南瓜糕

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sophie & Albert 的婚禮 16thJan10 - Part IV


The banquet has been very nice and excited.Yat Tung Heen - a very good hotel restaurant under Eaton Hotel - served good quality of food for dinner banquet. No wonder it is awarded as the 1-star category under the Michelin 2010. However, as I need to get changed of the clothes all the time, I did not even try one of the dishes at all.