Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sophie & Albert 的婚禮 16thJan10 - Part II

這天, 真是我和家輝的大日子!大清早醒來,我眼睛看到了酒店對面教會的十字架,我感到很窩心.

16th Jan10 is the big day for Albert and myself. Woke up very early in the morning, the first scene came to my sight is the Cross that belongs to a church oppsite to the Eaton hotel. I felt so warm and touched.

我很感動整個婚禮的籌劃中,包括了我們最親愛的家人,一班"可遇不可求"的兄弟姐妹團.還有,不斷給意見和幫忙的好友. 當然,我們是萬分的感謝來臨我們婚禮和晚飯的各位好友和親戚,還有我一直也很珍惜的CCF buddies.

We are so greatful that the participants in our wedding including our beloved families/cousins and the "unbeatable" wedding bros & sisters parties. Moreover, thanks for those who always give us help whenever we are in need. Of course, the presence of our guests during our wedding ceremony and dinner banquet really mean so much to us. SUCCF - my buddies - thanks much for your beautiful singing and presence.

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