Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sophie & Albert 的婚禮 16thJan10 - Part I

我的婚紗,晚禮服,鞋子和配件,全也是妹妹Rachel一手design 和 follow up.還有姐妹的化妝和set頭 也是她的傑作! 難怪我的化妝stylist Cat 說Rachel值101分啦! (Barry-Rachel 的先生,恭喜你呀!)

My wedding gown, banquet dresses, shoes and accesories are mostly designed by my sister Rachel. Furthermore, she also helps on the stylist makeups and hair-sets on my sisters' parties. My stylist Cat said Rachel scores 101 points! ( Barry- Rachel's hus, Congratulations!)

我們還有兩個很專業的snap shots potographers - Phyllis和輝哥(我的大家姐和大姐夫),幫我們在很短的時間中還能製作了很高水準的結婚短片(wedding snap shots slides)和當天的花碎.

Phyllis and Peter, my eldest sister and sister-in-law, are the two snap shots photogrphers during the day and the pre-wedding day. Really thankful for the high quality wedding snap shots slide shows during the day.

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