Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can I have this dance for the rest of my life

昨天晚上 用了兩個小時去把 swarovski 的水晶貼上在 precious moments wedding bride & groom 上 效果很不錯呢!

Monday, October 19, 2009

神 你好碼

我們愛, 因為神先愛我們.

你們要先求他的國和他的義, 這些東西都要交給你們了. 所以, 不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天自有明天的憂慮; 一天的難處一天當就夠了. 馬太 六 33-34

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Outliers - Maclcom Gladwell

Some obervations from outliers:

Most outliers have 3 things in common:
1) passion
2) talents
3) hard work

Even one does not do above average among the selected best group,as long as they are "above the threshold" level, they mostly can achieve outstanding results in mkt

Actually, not only IQ matters, but practical intelligence is also of impt vs analytical intelligence. How the genius brought up , mainly dictated by the family background. Say, for those come from middle family, they learn of "entitlement", those kids are more described as more alert, poised, attractive and well dressed. It is in contrast with those brought up from lower end family, of whom the genius learnt of " independence" but some are lacking the practical intelligence.

"They neeeded an opportunity to step outside those roles when they sat in the cockpit, and language was the key to that transformation." - Korean pilots p.256.
Under emergency cicumstance, you need commands and assertive words to clearly communicate to the team, rather than the submissive requests which are the prodcuts of cultural legacy and history of individualistic characteristics.

"Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for 22 mins to make sense of something that most people would give up on after 30 sec." P.288

"Virtually every success story we've seen in this book so far involves someone or some group working harder than their peers". p.279

"Working really hard is what successful people do, and the genius of the culture is that hard work gave those in the fields a way to find meaning in the midst of great uncertainty and poverty".

"SSLANT - smile, sit up, listen, ask questions, nod when being spoken to, and track with your eyes" p. 293

"It is when thus relieved from the state of tension belonging to acutal study that boys and girls, as well as men and women, acquire the habit of thought and reflection, and of forming their own conclusions, independently of what they are taught and the authority of others." p.297

"Outliers are those who have been given opportunities - and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them" p. 313

"We are so caught in the myths of the best and the brightest and the self-made that we think outliers spring naturally from the earth" p. 314

"Marita just needed a chance" p. 315

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 9 (18 th Sep) 星期五

Mum and I had big big breakfast at Rossini at CQ. ^.^

Time flies, time to back to HK... I missed here a lot, but thanks God I had great stay here....really Enjoyable! Hope to enjoy life at different stages.

Day 8 (17 th Sep) 星期四

Harbour Cruise (9:30 am to 10:30 am)
visit Auntie Qing at Marrickville => Vietnam beef noodles and pork rolls*2

Bondi beach - Nice sea view + Shopping!

Day 7 (16 th Sep) 星期三

Mono rail
Sydney Aquarium
Fish Market
Sydney Wildfire
night scene of Darling Harobur

Dinner with Yee May at Surry Hills

Day 6 (15 th Sep) 星期二

Sydney U, Musical Recital and visit auntie Ling

Day 5 (14 th Sep) 星期一

Hunter Valley Garden

We picked up by the KAA tour at 7:30am, we shortly head off for our journery!

We firstly went to the Reptiles park, where we could touch the hair of Koala bears and fed the kangaroos. We then went to try the Pork Gin at a wine tasting shop. We actually tired another wine shop...but of course our target is Hunter Valley Gardens

Hunter Valley Gardens has 12 themed gardens spinning over 25 hectares. We enjoyed a delightful 2-course lunch here (with ice cream ^.^).
We actually just went to the Rose Garden, Border Garden, Storybook Garden and Italian Grotto here. I guess these are some of the best themed gardens here.

We finished the trip with the chocolate factory.

Day 4 (13 th Sep)星期日

Katy and Gilbert picked me up to CPC in the morning, and Katy and I had cappucino at CPC...nice. Luckily I met some of my CCF buddies here, including Carol, Hong and Hannas, Anny and Alan,Imelda, Tim and Cheung Yung etc..

I had good sermon here from Dorothy choi and "big lunch" at CPC. Hahah...last time I had lunch here has been way more than 10 years ago...I really enjoyed the lunch prepared by the bros and sis! ^.^

Visit auntie Ling & auntie Qing
I quickly went to meet up with mum and auntie at the City Market - China Town(thanks Hong for the lift). Our nephews have grown up a lot and they can barely speak Chinese however.

We had a relaxing stay here at Auntie Ling and Uncle Man's brand new huge house. The house has very good decoration, which adds a taste of modernness.

At night, we had "raw" shrimps and crabs, big fish and duck for dinner. We were really full for dinner neir!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 3 (12 th Sep) 星期六

Chatswood ~ 3A Hercules St
We take the free shuttle bus 555 all the way to the QVB and then start our journey here at Chatswood...

Chatswood has changed a good deal....I have many nice little memories here with mum and sis...AND Food of course! Yvonne has the Macquarie Open Day, so after she had lunch with us, she went back to Uni for photos.

Dinner with Yee May and Yee Ling
At night, we have nice Korean food at East Wood with my best friend Yee May and her sis Yee Ling. :-) . Yee May was v kind to give us a night drive such that we could go to the Macquarie and nice night scene.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sydney trip 10th Sep to 18th Sep 09

Day 1 (10th Sep) 星期四
19:20 Virgin Atlantic VS0200

Day 2 (11 th Sep)星期五
06:35 arrive at Sydney Airport

We manage to get our "Gold" licenses at RTA Wynard.

Weather in Sydney is bit cool, around 15 C...Around 3pm, we went to the Rocks for tea at Park Hyatt. Really gorgeous view for Opera House and the Circular Quay.

After short walk at the Rocks, we are bit exhausted but still bit exhausted

At night, I have dinner with Maggie, we dined at the Opera Quay, nice view here.

We have great sleep here at Inter Continental, as the place is gorgeous and we are v exhausted already, after 9 hours flight in the early morning.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Funcky Dance

最近, 我跟Rachel參加了Funcky Dance. 期實,跳舞幾好玩.而且我可以接觸多一點兒這個範疇,也是很時尚這樣子. 當中跳舞的過程 ,流很多的汗.但可以達到減肥和年輕的心態和生理狀態. 也是不錯的活動呢!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


你要保守你心 勝過保守一切 因為一生的果效是由心發出

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smart Choices

An effective decision making process will fulfill these 6 criteria:

> it focuses on what's important
> it is logical and consistent
> it acknowledges both subjective and objective factors and blends analytical with intuitive thinking
> it requires only as much info and analysis as is necessary to resolve a particular dilemma
> it encourages and guides the gathering of relevant info and informed opinion
> it is straightforward, reliable, easy to use and flexible

The 8 elements of Smart Choices:
Risk Tolerance
Linked Decisions

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kitty lab - interesting KTA by Rachel & Sophie

Hello Kitty Lab 模擬城市- 35 歲大壽. 全城有 14 個 check points,可玩育成 Kitty 遊戲則有 10 ,如 Daniel 旅行社、草莓病院、KT 車站等等,其餘四個 check points 包括哈囉鐵塔、Kuromi 劇場等等。

左面: Sophie 研製的 "忍者" Kitty____右面: Rachel 研製的 "茶煲" Kitty

Kitty Lab 幾好玩. Rachel和我也研製了很特別的KTA, 也拍了很多照片呢!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

與同事分享的 agnis' b cakes

CFA III 好險的過了, 與同事分享的 agnis' b cakes 份外令人難忘和好味道啊.

很感恩的.我今年可以通過了CFA第III級的考試- 导致我得到了特許財務分析師(CFA)的證照.但在我得知成績結果之前,最後我也終於學會完全地释放自己…我學會了上帝教我的一個工課...


Sunday, August 23, 2009


好友"美麗人" 給我的故勵和提議 謝謝她們對自己的關心 也抱歉要她們為自己擔心.

「我懼怕的時候要倚靠你。 我倚靠神……必不懼怕」


Friday, August 21, 2009

5 languages of Love

Keeping the Love Tank Full

~ Words of Affirmation
~ Quality Time
~ Receiving Gifts
~ Acts of Service
~ Physical Touch

Love is a choice but it makes the differnce